Thursday, June 2, 2011

1985 Toyota Starlet; Timing belt replacment GONE WRONG... Help!!!!?

Hello its a Toyota Starlet 1985, 1.0L, 12V, 1E engine. I was trying to change the timing belt, however, I could not find the timing mark on crankshaft pulley, so I took the risk and pulled the belt off and installed the new one. Now the car won't start. I cranked it 3 times, but nothing. It did not sound like something is broken, pulley somehow turned and maybe timing belt is off by a few sprockets.

I opened up everything to look, but again could not find timing mark on the lower pulley. I can see the marks on upper pulley and also the mark on engine near crankshaft pulley, but no mark on crankshaft pulley itself. On the outer crankshaft pulley i.e. the one that turns alternator belt, there are many marks, from 0 to 10. Can those marks be used somehow? Under the hood it says Ignition timing 5 degrees with vacuum off, if I fit that pulley back how would I know which mark is TDC? Is it the same as ignition timing value i.e. 5 degree? or is TDC at 10 degrees (The highest mark)?

I was doing this in a rented garage and had to leave it in there, now I have two hours in morning to do this.

There is no repair manual available for this car. Please suggest how to fix this.

Thank you for your answers.1985 Toyota Starlet; Timing belt replacment GONE WRONG... Help!!!!?You need to find the mark, car wont start or will run like crap if timing is off . Pull spark plug one , put the dipstick in the hole turn the engine until it comes up all the way that's your TDC . If you remove the crank pulley you will see your mark on the timing belt gear . If it says 5 deg that's where it should be . After finding TDC line up you cam and put on your timing Belt. Done!